Some pretty tough games with top notch bf43 players. Check the full list at the bottom! Must watch!
Game #1 - Iwo Jima
Game #2 - Wake Island
Final Scoreboards for reference:
All players in A to Z order:
adamsps blackjack__heat chrisjerkins21 dan_the_man_328 gen-angst-82nd gen-c-82nd gen-mitchnm-82nd goodfella1179 jagmo69 kerni86 looney_heat mclucas_pl mo_uk pdawg31 rmack84 sadorini75 sigoconweba the7thpower vta_cali_boy xerock xirtamfotellub ye5romlak-6eezak zapper ziupaddori
Woooh! To be the man... you gotta beat the man