Tuesday, 31 May 2011

AIDS_TO_ALL Retiring from BF43

We wish to inform you that AIDS_TO_ALL has retired from Battlefield 1943 game. From his stats you can see that he was pretty much a tough guy... Sorry, to see him go!

In his message to our leader Yshromlak among other things he said:

"Dear 43 players, I'm retiring from 43. My addiction to it is interfering with work and everything else. I've played enough (I think ;p ) and I need to move on. I'm gonna miss playing with u guys..."

So long bro... and all the best to you!

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Nice Come Back for YE5Romlak!

YE5Romlak "The Beast" showing us how he has gotten into shape again after the PSN pause.

54 kills/ 1330 pts...Well done!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Ziu Paddori Video - 22nd May 2011 - Top Notch Players

Some pretty tough games with top notch bf43 players. Check the full list at the bottom! Must watch!

Game #1 - Iwo Jima

Game #2 - Wake Island

Final Scoreboards for reference:

All players in A to Z order:
adamsps blackjack__heat chrisjerkins21 dan_the_man_328 gen-angst-82nd gen-c-82nd gen-mitchnm-82nd goodfella1179 jagmo69 kerni86 looney_heat mclucas_pl mo_uk pdawg31 rmack84 sadorini75 sigoconweba the7thpower vta_cali_boy xerock xirtamfotellub ye5romlak-6eezak zapper ziupaddori

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Ziu Paddori - First HD Recording - Iwo Jima

Ziu has used the PSN outage time to upgrade his own gadgets. He's got now an HD capture card and he is recording his own bf43 battles. This is his first recording... Full game! Pretty cool ha!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

PSN is Back After Three and a Half Weeks!

PlayStation Network is back, at least in Europe, after three and a half weeks (21st April - 15th May 2011). Wow! We need to get through some training lessons again... lol

Thursday, 12 May 2011

DAP VETs on XBOX 360

Due to prolonged outage on Playstation Network (3 weeks now to be exact), some DAP-VET members have opted to switch temporarily on XBOX 360 console to play their much beloved Battlefield 1943 game and stir some trouble in their community. Examples are Llapushi (that's me, tried and gave up, couldn't handle the controller), Sam, Nagasaki-Hit and Gumgumluffy. No doubt, one of the most impressive shows on XBOX were given by Gumgumluffy with some sureal statistics e.g. k/d ratio of 8.39 as rifleman etc... He made to rank 50 in less than 2 days play time... Check the image below that was taken today and you'll understand what I'am talking about, otherwise visit the following link for real data, http://www.bf43.com/en/360/Stats/GumGumLuffy360. He definitely made a name on XBOX community! I just hope that he comes back to PSN once it is fully restored...